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A Comparison of the Protective & Risk Factors for the Different Forms of Bullying

Thu, Nov 20, 3:30 to 4:50pm, Marriott, Pacific B, 4th Floor


Traditionally, researchers have focused on two forms of bullying: physical bullying and social bullying. Due to several high-profile incidents, cyber-bullying has emerged as a serious form of youth victimization in the public consciousness. Cyber-bullying includes a range of behaviors such as threatening texts or e-mails and posting hurtful material on the internet. What remains uncertain is whether the same protective and risk factors predict cyber-bullying as predict the more traditionally recognized forms of bullying. This paper will explore the impact of student and school characteristics on cyber-bullying using data from the 2011 NCVS School Crime Supplement. In addition, the paper will examine whether the same protective and risk factors predict the three forms of bullying, physical bullying, social bullying and cyber-bullying. Logistic regression models will be used to evaluate the effect of student and school characteristics on the likelihood of cyber-bullying. Preliminary results suggest the pattern of protective and risk factors for cyber-bullying are very similar to social bullying. In addition, it appears that school characteristics are significant predictors of cyber-bullying, even though most cyber-bullying occurs off campus. The implications for schools will be explored.
