Session Submission Summary

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Early Life Adversity as a Potent Source of Developmental Risk

Wed, Nov 15, 11:00am to 12:20pm, Marriott, Franklin 5, 4th Floor

Session Submission Type: Complete Thematic Panel


The developmental and life-course perspectives have become mainstays in the field of criminology. Despite the popularity of these perspectives, a significant portion of the theoretical and empirical development within these particular areas of research has focused more heavily on the latter stages of the life course, namely adolescence and adulthood (along with the transition between these two stages). Despite the progress made in these areas, far less attention is currently granted to earlier stages of the life course. This panel presents research focused on the influence of early life adversity on the etiological development of detrimental outcomes. Early life adversity in this context is broadly defined and includes experiences related to pre- and perinatal risk factors, adverse experiences in early childhood, and contextual environments related to developmental outcomes. This research emphasizes the importance of considering early stages of the life course in future research and theoretical development within developmental and life course criminology. Additional theoretical and methodological issues are presented and discussed in more detail.

Sub Unit

Division of Special Interest

Individual Presentations
