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Dark Figure of Illegal Drug Usage: A Pilot Study in Turkey

Wed, Nov 14, 12:30 to 1:50pm, Marriott, M101, Marquis Level


Data on the use, production and sale of illegal drugs are mostly based on information obtained from law enforcement statistics. However, the data which is not reflected in the official records creates dark figures in Criminology.
The aim of this study is to reveal illegal drug use profile that is not reflected in official records in Bingöl, Turkey. Due to the sensitivity of the subject we used focus group interviewing method. We conducted three focus groups with illicit drug users, an two focus groups with various profession members. The sample was created by snowball sampling method.
According to the results of the study, it’s seen that the most widely used drug in Bingöl is cannabis. It ‘s also been assessed that ecstasy has become widespread over the last few years. On the other hand the attitude of the people toward usage of cannabis is not as negative as other psychoactive drugs and that cannabis use is almost equivalent to smoking. It’s been learned that the promotion and sale of illegal materials, which are not common in Bingöl, is carried out through various businessmen and contractors, especially the use of cocaine and metamphetamine is common among these people.
