Individual Submission Summary

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The Mass Shooter Database: A Foundation for Data-Driven Policy

Sat, Nov 16, 8:00 to 9:20am, Salon 15, Lower B2 Level


This paper will discuss the process of creating and analyzing a comprehensive database of over 160 public mass shootings from 1966 to 2018, coded through over 50 individual-level psycho-social life history variables, including mental health history, trauma, interest in past shootings, and situational triggers. Findings of this exploratory content analysis suggest shooters had complex histories that included multiple risk factors for violence, mental illness, stressors, and substance use. Many mass shooters demonstrated warning signs prior to the shooting, even specifically leaked their plans, and the majority of shooters showed evidence of suicidality. Methodological limitations and implications for future research and prevention strategies, including suicide prevention and crisis intervention, will be discussed.
