Individual Submission Summary

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Do We Agree on Our Weaknesses?: A Study of Team Members' Ratings of Fidelity

Fri, Nov 15, 9:30 to 10:50am, Salon 11, Lower B2 Level


The National Association of Drug Court Professionals have put forth a series of best practice standards to guide courts' integration of evidence-based practices into problem solving courts. While these standards are grounded in decades of research, the application of these standards may fall short for a host of reasons with one reason being a lack of consensus among team members as to how they are performing in each of the best practice areas. This project uses the fidelity of implementation scoring guides from multiple veterans treatment courts to assess: (1) what is the level of consensus on how well the court is adhering to best practices, and (2) which area(s) have the greatest level of disagreement between team members. The implications of these findings for strategic planning and technical assistance are discussed.
