Individual Submission Summary

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Antecedents of Trust In the Jamaican Police: Findings From A Cross-Sectional Study

Fri, Nov 18, 2:00 to 3:20pm, International 4, International Level


This study contributes to the extant literature by being the first to examine the relative impacts of instrumental factors of policing (police performance, risk of sanctioning, and distributive justice) and experiences with police (personal and vicarious) on trust in the police in Jamaica. This study’s importance is enhanced by the fact that it was carried out in a region that has been understudied by policing scholars. Using cross-sectional data from a sample of Jamaicans, homeownership predicted trust in the police. In addition, distributive justice, effectiveness, and personal experiences, but not risk of sanctioning and vicarious experiences, predicted Jamaicans’ trust in their country’s police. The implications for policing, policy, and future research are addressed.
