Session Submission Summary

Improving Juvenile Justice Through Theory and Research

Thu, Nov 17, 11:00am to 12:20pm, International 6, International Level

Session Submission Type: Complete Thematic Panel


Over the past four decades, criminal justice scholars have made numerous efforts to enhance the treatment of adjudicated juveniles within the correctional system. In addition to an explicit focus on improving treatment and rehabilitation, practices have been implemented across the juvenile justice system to reduce the long-term effects of contact with the criminal justice system during adolescence. As demonstrated in the existing literature, the practices derived from the integration of theory and research tend to provide the most favorable outcomes for adjudicated juveniles. Following suit, this panel is intended to enhance the treatment of adjudicated juveniles by developing innovative theoretical perspectives and enhancing research on the rehabilitation process within juvenile correctional agencies. Through these advancements, the panelists intend to provide policy implications that could benefit the juvenile justice system and, in particular, adjudicated juveniles.

Sub Unit

Individual Presentations
