Session Submission Summary

Preventing and Reducing Deaths in Custody: Results from a Mixed-Methods Study

Thu, Nov 14, 11:00am to 12:20pm, Sierra K - 5th Level

Session Submission Type: Complete Thematic Panel


This panel presents findings from the NIJ Death in Custody Reporting Act study designed to examine deaths occurring while in the custody of law enforcement agencies, jails, and prisons, and the factors that may help reduce such deaths. A multiphase study was conducted. The first phase entailed a national-level review of the prevalence and correlates of deaths in custody, including a review of the literature and secondary data analysis of existing data. The second phase entailed qualitative interviews with key stakeholders in multiple agencies across the U.S. This panel presents findings and recommendations based on the policy analysis and stakeholder interviews. Collectively, results from the quantitative and qualitative tasks can inform policies, programs, and practices aimed at preventing and reducing in-custody deaths.

Sub Unit

Individual Presentations

