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President’s Award for Distinguished Contributions to Justice - Project Rebound

Fri, Nov 15, 5:00 to 6:20pm, Salon 8 - Lower B2 Level


The President’s Award for Distinguished Contributions to Justice is given annually to an individual or organization who, through either a single initiative or over a longer period of time, has made significant and distinguished contributions to the cause of justice. In the case of joint efforts, co-recipients may be named.

2024 Award-Winner: Project Rebound

Project Rebound is California State University program that has been “Supporting the higher education and successful reintegration of the formerly incarcerated.” For more than 50 years, it has made higher education more accessible to and supportive of formerly incarcerated students. By doing so, Project Rebound has extended the reach and impact of higher education, changed people’s lives, and contributed to diverse communities. Jason Bell, who has served as the Director of Project Rebound at San Francisco State University for ten years and has worked with the program for over 20 years outside of the California prison system. As a result of that experience, he will accept the award on behalf of Project Rebound and the many people who have, for decades, made Project Rebound a transformative program.
