Session Submission Summary

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New Forms in Digital Storytelling

Thu, November 9, 1:00 to 2:45pm, Marriott Downtown Chicago, Floor: 10th, O'Hare

Session Submission Type: Roundtable

Brief Description

New Forms in Digital Storytelling explores the latest tendencies in computer-mediated storytelling that include cross-platform projects, narrative VR, multi-POV, collaborative platforms, and various forms of immersive/ interactive storytelling. Among the topics discussed are mechanisms of creating a version of Belarusian “non-Soviet” history on the internet, the use of digital communication technologies in travelers’ online community, the emergence of native Russian VR projects, as well as new tendencies in digital collaborative filmmaking.

A roundtable format will allow to include more speakers than it is permitted in a traditional panel, as well as will facilitate the discussion of digital narrative forms among the session attendees.

Sub Unit


Roundtable Members