Session Submission Summary

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ASEEES Slavic Digital Humanities - Preconference Workshop

Sat, November 23, 8:30 to 11:40am, San Francisco Marriott Marquis, Floor: 2, Foothill G1

Session Submission Type: Pre-Convention Session

Brief Description

This year we recruited the founders and leaders of Prozhito project to showcase their project outside Russia. Prozhito ( is a digital repository of Russian- and Ukrainian-language diaries that now comprises over 3000 diaries and over 300,000 daily entries. An important project that collected the hitherto unknown and unpublished diaries, Prozhito is not affiliated with an academic institution and is still fairly little known to the US and European researchers. The pre-conference event will explore the ways Prozhito can recruit North American and European volunteers and promote greater access to diaries preserved in the North American repositories.e also plan to convene a panel with the pre-conference participants to discuss the service Prozhito and digital humanists associated with it can do to the researchers in the field

Sub Unit