Session Submission Summary

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Slavic Digital Humanities Workshop

Thu, November 5, 9:30 to 11:30am, Virtual Convention Platform, Room 1

Session Submission Type: Pre-Convention Session

Affiliate Organization: ASEEES Digital Humanities Group

Brief Description

Since 2016, the ASEEES digital humanities affiliate group has organized a pre-conference event at the ASEES annual conference. Our first "un-conference" in 2016 brought scholars in Slavic, Eastern European, and Eurasian studies together with local digital humanists and technology experts. It was a remarkable opportunity to work directly with developers and to foster dialogue between domain and technology experts. We did this again in Boston. Technologists from Harvard and MIT helped to organize and teach the pre-conference workshops. The same happened in San Francisco as we worked with over 3,000 transcribed Russian diaries. The pre-conference workshops offer a unique opportunity for us to bring local experts to work with scholars in our field. These experts are largely not ASEEES members and only attend the pre-conference events. The pre-conference venue has immense value to our affiliate group as a space that is open to everyone and does not require ASEEES membership or conference registration. We recognize that all panels during the conference require registration.

Sub Unit


Session Manager