Session Submission Summary

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Challenges and Perspectives for Journals in the Field of Slavic/Russian/Eurasian History

Sun, November 13, 10:00 to 11:45am CST (10:00 to 11:45am CST), The Palmer House Hilton, Floor: 7th Floor, Sandburg 6

Session Submission Type: Roundtable

Brief Description

All journals in the field face common challenges. These include:The organization of editorial work, the perspectives of Open Access, the question of the language of publications, obtaining contributions on current research issues, different publication categories in the journals, the use of social media for the journals, the systematic selection of books for review etc. In addition, other essential questions are now being raised by the war in Ukraine.
This roundtable discussion aims to bring together representatives (editors and managing editors) of the major journals in the field to discuss these and other important issues.

Sub Unit


Roundtable Members