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ASWAD Biennial Conference 2025

October 29-November 2, 2025 St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Marriott St. Louis Grand Hotel

Submission Deadline: October 11, 2024

Preparing your submission:

Thank you for your interest in submitting a proposal for ASWAD 2025. Please login using your ASWAD membership credentials to submit your proposal. The following information must be included in your proposal.
  1. A brief abstract, for Individual Presenters (200 Words Max); for Group Presenters and Roundtables (300 Words Max). Please include the presentation title as well as the presenter's name and institutional or organizational affiliation.
  2. A brief Bio of each presenter (200 Words Max).
Individuals may participate in up to two different ways (e.g. as a panelist and chair, a panelist or discussant). Again, thank you for your interest and we look forward to reading your submission.
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