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34th Annual AWP Conference, 2009
Feminist Empowerment Through Unity and Diversity: Celebrating 40 years of Feminist Psychology
Newport, RI
March 12 - 14, 2009
Celebrate AWP's 40th Year in RI where we emphasize two types of "vitamin F": Feminism AND Fun!

Preconference workshops will be conducted on Thursday March 12th. The conference will open with a keynote speaker on the morning of Friday, March 13th and continue until the closing ceremony on Saturday afternoon, March 14th. For more information about AWP or our conference, visit
There is a limit of 2 proposals per submitter in order to be able to accommodate as many presenters as possible. Submissions must be sponsored by or submitted by members of AWP. For information on membership contact the Membership Chair listed on the AWP website at
Check the Call for Proposals available on the RI AWP website for additional guidance about the format for submissions or e-mail Mary Zahm, Conference Co-Coordinator and Program Chair, at

The submission deadline is October 17, 2008.
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