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35th Annual AWP Conference, 2010
Sustaining the Vision: Nurturing Ourselves, Caring for Each Other, Preserving the Planet
The 2010 Conference of the Association for Women in Psychology (AWP) will be held February 11-14, 2010 at the Portland Marriott Downtown Waterfront in Portland, Oregon. Pre-conference workshops will be conducted on Thursday February 11th. The conference will open with a keynote speaker on the morning of Friday, February 12th and continue until the closing ceremony on Sunday afternoon, February 14th.

Our conference theme is Sustaining the Vision: Nurturing Ourselves, Caring for Each Other, and Preserving the Planet. Proposals for presentations at AWP that address our theme may be submitted for pre-conference workshops, symposia, paper sessions, poster sessions, workshops, structured discussions, media presentations, and wellness activities.

Proposals that address one of the following topics related to our conference theme are especially encouraged, but proposals related to feminist research and practice are also welcomed:
  1. NURTURING OURSELVES (safeguarding one's physical and mental health and sense of well-being through self-care and community)
  2. CARING FOR EACH OTHER (caring for others in professional and personal roles, across all ages, abilities, and communities)
  3. PRESERVING THE PLANET (advances in sustainable living through individual, group, local, and global efforts)
Empirical, theoretical and applied submissions are welcome (theoretical submissions must go beyond a literature review to present a new idea, model or framework). If you are submitting research results, please submit only completed studies and include - in the long abstract - a description of your analyzed data (means, ANOVA's, etc). Data-based studies and presentations that build upon the current literature are preferred.

All proposals will be accepted (or rejected) on the basis of a blind review process and by the AWP program committee. American Psychological Association (APA) publication format is required. Submission of a proposal implies a commitment to attend the meeting and deliver the presentation if it is accepted.

ALL PROPOSALS MUST BE TRANSMITTED THROUGH ALL ACADEMIC, which will be available through the AWP website at from August 1, 2009 through October 15, 2009. Notification of acceptance or rejection of program proposals will be made to the corresponding author, who has the responsibility to inform other authors of all communications. All attendees are required to register for the meeting. Registration for the conference will be available online through Lewis and Clark College, which can be accessed through the AWP website at from November 1, 2009 through February 7, 2010.
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