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AWP 2011 Generating Feminisms
36th Annual AWP Conference, 2010
Generating Feminisms
The 2011 Conference of the Association for Women in Psychology (AWP) will be held March 3-6, 2011 at the Hyatt Penn's Landing in downtown Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Pre-conference workshops will be conducted on Thursday, March 3rd. The conference will open on the morning of Friday, March 4th and there will be keynotes both Friday afternoon (Lisa Bowleg on AIDS in the African American community) and Saturday evening (Dolores Huerta on immigration and activism), with a closing ceremony on Sunday afternoon, March 6th.

Proposals will be accepted from August 31-October 29, 2010

The theme of the 2011 AWP Generating Feminisms conference is intended to honor and reflect on the many ways in which feminists have collaborated in the ever-diversifying, ever-changing projects of feminisms. This year's conference is centered on building partnerships, recognizing the continuity of our ideas, and helping our community grow. Toward these goals, we encourage you to play with the variety of meanings of generation.

Proposals that address our conference theme are especially encouraged, but all proposals related to feminist research and practice are welcomed.

1 : noun: as in age, cohort, or common movement in timespace

Some see a single feminist "generation." Others see multifaceted, overlapping feminist "generations," and still others see the concept of "generations" itself as misleading or problematic to their efforts to partner across (or regardless of) age, time, or agenda. As a movement of some years now, we have longstanding elders and an influx of newcomers working alongside one another. The Generating Feminisms conference welcomes all generations of feminists whose work represents our feminist community to come together and build partnerships, however they conceive of their place in our collective history. As AWP moves toward the end of our first half century, there is no better time to reflect on the intergenerational feminist community.

2 : verb: to produce, process, or create ideas; to contribute to the evolution of ideas

The ideas of feminism are in a constant state of generation, influenced not just by where one is in the present, but weaved into our past and our future. We welcome all proposals that contribute to ideas, theory, research, and activism in the developing of feminisms. We are particularly interested in how your work is shaped by and shaping the larger conversation - past, present, and future.

3 : verb: the act or process of multiplying, expanding, and inspiring

We seek inclusivity as we work to retain and integrate existing feminist scholars and activists. We strongly encourage strengthening our voices, by including those new to AWP, those new to feminisms, and all our partners and allies.

Proposals that address our conference theme are especially encouraged, but all proposals related to feminist research and practice are welcomed.
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