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AWP Association for Women in Psychology

38th Annual AWP Conference, 2013
Global Concerns, Local & Individual Perspectives: Voices of Indigenous, Immigrant, & International Women
The 2013 Conference of the Association for Women in Psychology (AWP) will be held March 7-10, 2013, at the Salt Lake City Marriott City Center Hotel, Salt Lake City, Utah. Pre-conference workshops will be conducted on Thursday, March 7th. The conference will open on the morning of Friday, March 8th, with a closing ceremony on Sunday afternoon, March 10th.

Deadline for proposals is November 15, 2012 at Please note this is a firm deadline. We will not be able to accept proposals after that date.

The theme of the 2013 AWP Conference--Global Concerns, Local and Individual Perspectives: Voices of Indigenous, Immigrant, and International Women--expresses our goal of inclusiveness. We hope to shine a light on scholarship, practice, and activism by and with women whose perspectives have traditionally been in shadow. Global Concerns include those experiences that--although unique across individual women and their cultures-- affect all women, such as violence, our bodies and sexualities, motherhood and parenting, work, and aging. Local and Individual Perspectives reminds us that our global concerns vary across the host of individual and cultural differences that characterize our social identities. It encourages us to explore our experiences of privilege and power as well as oppression and colonization. We welcome contributions that express the full range of issues typically of interest to AWP scholars, practitioners, and activists; and we especially invite a focus on indigenous, immigrant, and international women's concerns.

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