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Latin American Firms Competing in the Global Economy
2012 BALAS Annual Conference
27 - 30 March, 2012
Hosted by PUC-Rio (Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro)
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

  1. Deadline for paper submissions: November 1, 2011.

  2. Paper Submission Process
    • Manuscripts must be submitted on-line at this site. During the on-line submission process please be prepared to enter in the title of the paper, abstract, three key words, track, and complete contact information for ALL authors. The information you submit during the on-line process will be used directly to create the program and proceedings, if your paper is accepted. So please be accurate and complete when entering this information.
    • There is a US$35 paper submission fee for each paper. Payment arrangements will be provided in the on-line submission page.
  3. Language
    • All papers must be submitted in English
    • At the conference, all papers must be presented in English
  4. Blind Review
    • To facilitate the blind review process, the authors' names should NOT appear anywhere in the entire paper and NOT on the title page. Check headers and footers to be sure the authors' names do NOT appear.
  5. Only manuscripts corresponding to the above guidelines will be accepted.

  6. Manuscripts should be submitted through this site. Create your user name and password above right to access.

  7. Paper format guidelines are available here

  8. For submission, registration, and local information please go to:

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