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Bridging Borders for Peace and Prosperity

March 21 - 23, 2018, San Diego, California, USA

Hosted by School of Business, University of San Diego

Paper Submission Due Date: 1 October 2017

Emerging markets in Latin America and the world face several challenges for economic growth and wealth creation in a way that is inclusive and contributes to sustainable peace. Regional partnerships are being challenged as the benefits of globalization are questioned and nations look inward. What is the role that business can play in giving value to local communities while promoting globalization, economic integration and regional strategies? In the BALAS 2018 conference in San Diego, we would like to address these issues, exploring answers to questions like:

  • What role can businesses in Latin America play in creating sustainable peace?
  • How has economic integration and cross-border business development contributed to wealth creation in communities in the Americas?
  • How have companies in Latin America established new business models and inclusive partnerships?
  • How do public-private partnerships contribute to inclusive economic growth?

In addition to the special Theme Tracks, papers in all areas of business and economics are welcome. Click here for more information. To submit a paper, login using the form at the upper-right of this page.

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