April 10 - 12, 2019, Lima, Perú
Hosted by School of Business, Universidad ESAN, Lima, Perú
Paper Submission Due Date: 1 November 2018
The current context in the Latin America Region demands the responsibility of democratic citizenship and is impelling business schools to promote innovation, the creation of new ideas for resolving old problems, and for challenging academia to get close to industry.
For decades, Latin America has successfully operated businesses in uncertainty that is similar to what the EU and US are newly facing after their decades of relative stability. Rapid change is old news in Latin America and it is now a good time to analyze and understand it. What are the lessons learned from Latin America that can be applied with success to other regions?
On the other hand, regional stereotypes are limiting opportunities for creating jobs, jobs that haven't even existed before. Promoting new business, the generation of value, and the adoption of risk should be very well articulated. What are the lessons learned from other regions that can be applied with success in Latin America?
What are the possibilities for promoting employability in the Latin American Region using new models such as crowdsourcing, collaborative consumption, and the on demand economy?
The BALAS 2019 conference invites papers and teaching cases that explore these modern realities and regional comparisons.
How can corporations and industries benefit in the short and long term? What do businesses do to succeed in times of uncertainty? How does a company invest and grow? What different types of uncertainty are easier to manage than others? What is the role of businesses in creating stability and economic security?.
ESAN was the first academic Graduate School of Business Administration created in Latin America (founded on July 25th, 1963). Bachelor programs at the School of Economics are accredited by: Association to Advance Collegiate School of Business.
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