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BEA2011 Convention
April 9-13, 2011
Las Vegas
Welcome to BEA2011!
We are proud to announce the dates for BEA2011 - Saturday, April 9 - Wednesday, April 13, 2011, at the Las Vegas Hilton. For the first time, BEA2011 will run almost completely in tandem with the NAB Show, so sessions and special events will follow a brand new pattern. We'll forward information on the new BEA2011 schedule as it becomes available.

2011 Convention Spotlight -- BEA:HD
Let your creative juices flow for this year's spotlight.....BEA:HD. Technological transformations have major implications for media professionals, audiences, educators, and students. HD has become a metaphor for the rapidly changing media landscape. The HD paradigm encourages critical examination of all aspects of media education-technology, content, research, pedagogy. HD offers multiple interpretations-from high definition to hyper-dynamic-and we encourage BEA members to creatively interpret BEA:HD.

2011 Research Symposium
Media and Morality: Investigating the Connections

The relationship between media and morality has been a lasting concern among broadcast scholars and practitioners. Does morality play a part in how audience members select, interpret and respond to media content. Can media alter moral values? The challenge to answering such questions is enhanced by the complex nature of morality itself. This symposium joins leading scholars in efforts to clarify both simple and complex processes that shape the reciprocal influences that connect media and morality. Invited panels, competitive papers, and a keynote address will set the course for future understanding of these connections. For more information, click here.

Paper Competitions
BEA's 17 interest divisions invite scholarly papers from academics, students and professionals for presentation at the convention. Each division selects up to six papers - four for presentation and two as alternates. In addition, a few papers may be selected by divisions for consideration in the Scholar-to-Scholar (poster) session. Some winning papers receive monetary awards to help defray the costs of attending the convention.

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