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BEA2013 Convention
April 7-10, 2013
Las Vegas
Welcome to BEA2013!
Once again, BEA’s annual convention will be co-located with the NAB Show in Las Vegas. We are returning to the LVH – Las Vegas Hotel from Sunday, April 7 – Wednesday, April 10. As always, we’ll be announcing special event and speaker information as it becomes available.

2013 Convention Spotlight – Social Media in a Mass Media World
The world of mass communication continues its technological evolution…From the beginning of electronic mass media with the development of radio broadcasting in the 1920s mass media have gone through a continual evolutionary process fueled by technological advancements. These advances force the earlier technology to either adapt to a new function or become obsolete. Television’s adoption by society a few years after World War II forced radio to change if it was to survive. Aided by newer technology that allowed radios to become smaller and more portable, radio evolved into a background medium as television became the predominant mass medium during the 1950s. Once regulatory constraints were removed, cable television (as we know it today) grew up in the late 1970s and 1980s. This allowed homes to receive many more television signals than broadcast would allow, and also brought a better quality picture into the home. This period also brought the VCR into the picture. The late 1980s introduced the small home satellite dish, the widespread growth of remote controls, and CDs. The 1990s brought the computer, internet, and DVDs. The first decade of the 21st century brought with it a revolution in large screen and digital high definition pictures and sound; as well as digital video recorders (DVRs) cellular telephones and portable computer devices that allowed users to receive and record video and audio material at their convenience. This decade also saw the mushrooming of social media. Applications like Facebook and Twitter take advantage of the current state of technology to allow users to have even more control over their communication.

As we move forward in the 2010s, mass media entities are adapting to this “new world,” as are media educators. How they do it, and whether they do it successfully, will determine if they survive the evolutionary process or if they become extinct.

2013 Research Symposium: Media and Social Life: The Self, Relationships, and Society
Media content, consumption, and use touches on virtually all aspects of our social lives – including how we think of ourselves and others, and how we understand, create, and maintain relationships. Almost all facets of our lives are affected by media, including our emotional and moral selves, and our lives pertaining to family, romance, friendship, and work. Likewise, changes in the media landscapes imply that our social lives may be evolving as well. What do technologies such mobile communication, virtual worlds, and social networking imply about our social lives? This symposium will join leading scholars in efforts to explore the diversity of ways that media intersect with social life. Invited panels and addresses by senior scholars, as well as competitive papers, will set the course for future understanding of these connections. The three broad themes the symposium will address include 1) media and the self; 2) media and relationships; and 3) emerging media and social life.

Paper Competitions
BEA's 17 interest divisions invite scholarly papers from academics, students and professionals for presentation at the convention. Each division selects up to six papers - four for presentation and two as alternates. In addition, a few papers may be selected by divisions for consideration in the Scholar-to-Scholar (poster) session. Some winning papers receive monetary awards to help defray the costs of attending the convention.

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