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70th Annual Convention


  • Panel/Program Submissions deadline: September 15th
  • Paper Submission Deadline: December 1st
  • Research Symposium Deadline: December 15th
  • Faculty Research-in-Progress: December 15th
  • Student Research-in-Progress: December 15th

BEA2025, co-located with NAB Show, is an academic media convention with over 250 sessions on media pedagogy, collaborative networking events, hands-on technology workshops, research and creative scholarship and the Festival of Media Arts.    


The BEA2025 Convention Spotlight is….. BEA at 70: Foundations and Futures 
As we celebrate BEA’s 70th anniversary, let’s take the opportunity to both look back and stride forward. The spotlight for BEA 2025 is BEA at 70: Foundations and Futures. Whether you’re a historian, a social scientist, a critical/cultural scholar, or a documentarian; whether your daily efforts focus on teaching, service, or research (in whatever combination); whether you identify primarily with media production or traditional academic research; whether this is your first BEA or your 50th, let’s celebrate all we have done and all we can become. This spotlight concludes the multi-year exploration and consideration of the past and the future. We welcome scholarship that helps us understand the historical foundations of media content, audiences, production, regulation, and more. We welcome scholarship outlining the actual and potential roles each of us play in creating our futures, as individuals, media creators, teachers, scholars, citizens, and more. Finally, we welcome scholarship that ponders the current and potential state of our rapidly evolving media ecosystem, including technological developments, algorithmic cultures, AI, and more. 

BEA at 70! Come celebrate our foundations, and our futures, in Las Vegas. 


BEA at 70: Foundations and Futures serves as a spotlight for the convention, but program proposals are not limited to this area of research and presentation.  All sessions must adhere to the goals and objectives of the interest division(s) to which they are submitted (descriptions are listed on the submission site).   


Paper Submission Process -- Once you login with your BEA login and password, follow the steps below:

  1. Submit a paper… Click on the link for “Submit or Edit a Paper or Program Proposal.”
  2. Select an Interest Division… Read the division descriptions and select the division to which you will submit your research. Papers may NOT be submitted to more than one division in the same year.
  3. Submit the title & abstract… Follow the guidelines to add a title and abstract.
  4. Adding co-authors… At the prompt, add any co-authors to the paper.  Note: If your co-author(s) aren’t BEA members, have them create All Academic accounts first so you can easily search and link them to the paper.
  5. Review & Upload… Review your information and upload your paper.

Programming Opportunities (All sessions are one-hour in length)

  • Panel/Research Presentation Sessions: These are the standard interest division sponsored convention format sessions with a moderator, 3-4 presenters and, if desired, a respondent.
  • Workshops:  Workshops should involve specialized training and professional development.
  • Technical Demonstrations: Equipment or software manufacturer/vendors are invited to bring in the latest communication technology to demonstrate. Faculty who have worked with the technology are encouraged to talk about their experiences with the equipment/software in the classroom or lab.
  • Showcases: These sessions highlight student work in which faculty have been involved. Showcases are to be more "show" than "tell."
  • Other ideas?  Contact us if you have other alternative innovative ideas for program sessions, such as off-site tours or technical training at and we would be happy to talk about them.






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