XVII Congress of the Brazilian Studies Association

Session Submission Summary

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Woman-Centered Brazilian Cinema

Sat, April 6, 11:00am to 12:45pm, Aztec Student Union, Union 1 – Pride Suite

Session Submission Type: Complete Panel


This panel will examine the diverse production and distribution spaces that women filmmakers of the 21st-century are working in, including documentary, experimental, and short filmmaking, as well as commercial feature films. An intersectional approach runs throughout the papers with complex considerations around gender, race, sexuality, and class. The panel features a mix of research methods and genres, with macro-level political, economic, and industry-wide views of gender disparities alongside close-readings of individual films and specific filmmaker perspectives/narratives/styles.

Organizer/Chair: Jack A. Draper III, University of Missouri
Presenter 1: Jack A. Draper III
Presenter 2: Reighan Gillam, Dartmouth College
Presenter 3: Paula Halperin, Purchase College, SUNY
Presenter 4: Rebecca Atencio, Tulane University
Moderator: Cacilda Rêgo, Utah State University

Sub Unit

Individual Presentations



Session Organizer