XVII Congress of the Brazilian Studies Association

Session Submission Summary

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Entre-Between Book: Six Brazilian Immigrant Women Tell their Stories

Thu, April 4, 9:00 to 10:45am, Aztec Student Union, Union 2 – Metztli

Session Submission Type: Complete Panel


Entre-Between Book: Six Brazilian Immigrant Women Tell their Stories
Cristiane Busato Smith

This panel discusses the project which resulted in the book "Entre-Between" (Kotter Editorial, 2023), a bilingual collection of thirty-five memoir essays written by six Brazilian immigrant women in the United States. For one year and a half, participants met weekly via zoom to practice memoir writing. Working within the genre of memoir enabled the authors to develop their writing skills and reflect on significant moments that marked their immigrant journeys. The essays share key issues about immigration such as identity, belonging, language, family, loss, hybridity, and memory. The title of the book gestures at the binary, the “entre-between”, condition which lies at the heart of the diasporic/migrant subject. This timely book provides a much-needed platform for Brazilian immigrant women to express their voices in the pluralistic tapestry of immigrants in the United States.

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