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Open Sourcing of Books and Learning Materials – The experience in South Africa

Wed, March 11, 9:45 to 11:15am, Washington Hilton, Floor: Lobby Level, Holmead East


Siyavula Education came into being in South Africa when a group of concerned educationalists laid the foundation for producing openly-licensed content, and sharing it on line so that all children would have access to educational materials. The panelist will discuss how, because the knowledge was openly-licensed, the South African government was able to print and distribute millions of copies of textbooks and other learning materials at a fraction of the usual cost. The speaker will highlight the process that was followed to create digital and openly-licensed content and the role of the government in making it possible. Audience members will also hear about how books were shipped in crates and trucks to every corner of South Africa so that the children who had never owned a book before, now have easy access to good quality and low-cost books.
