Individual Submission Summary

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UNGEI-GPE Gender Analysis Tool: Advancing Gender Responsive Sector Planning

Tue, March 10, 1:15 to 2:45pm, Washington Hilton, Floor: Concourse Level, Georgetown West


The United Nations Girls’ Education Initiative (UNGEI) has worked with the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) since its establishment in 2002 to ensure gender related equity and inclusion issues are on the GPE’s global agenda and remain a focus at the country level.In December 2013, UNGEI and GPE launched an initiative to develop and pilot a Gender Analysis Tool to support GPE developing country partners in preparing gender-responsive ESPs.
As context as well as an organizing frame for the panel, we will present the UNGEI-GPE ESP Gender Analysis Tool as a mechanism to strengthen country capacity for gender-responsive sector planning. The Tool was prepared through a participatory approach through 2014; initially articulated in Malawi, and revised through pilot workshops in Guinea and Eritrea. We will address the findings and conclusions of the process; including validation of the need for a gender tool and confirmation of the value of a separate gender analysis of the education sector; capacity and institutional constraints especially at district levels for policy, planning and the application of a gender lens; and recommendations for further action to strengthen the ability of the GPE partners to address gender considerations through sector planning.
