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Developing materials in 12 local languages and English: the experience of the USAID/RTI Uganda School Health and Reading Program

Mon, March 9, 11:30am to 1:00pm, Washington Hilton, Floor: Lobby Level, Oak Lawn


Launched in 2012, Uganda School Health and Reading Program (SHRP) is a five-year initiative supported by USAID and implemented by RTI International in collaboration with other partners; among them, SIL LEAD. The twofold, national-scale approach by SHRP is designed to improve reading ability for at least 3.5 million children, of twelve language communities, by directly supporting reading in 1,300 schools and communities.

Uganda SHRP has developed and piloted Pupil Books and Teacher Guides for the instruction of reading in Grades 1, 2, 3, and 4, for 12 local languages and English – 52 titles in total. Each language and grade required the development of its own methodology and scope and sequence, and each of the 52 titles was developed from zero, including illustrations. Development and rollout of the program was accomplished progressively, covering a larger number of grades, languages, and regions each year. SHRP has many valuable insights to share on some of these issues:

• The progressive development and distribution of titles, grade by grade, language by language, ensures that materials will begin to reach schools more quickly, but what challenges does it pose for the uniformity and consistency of materials? What are some recommendations for dealing with this challenge?
• What are some of the potential pitfalls that need to be avoided when printing materials in several different languages at once? Which control mechanisms need to be in place to ensure print quality and timely delivery of the finished product?
