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What's on the menu? Meal provision in community based preschools in Malawi: what does it take?

Thu, March 12, 11:30am to 1:00pm, Washington Hilton, Floor: Concourse Level, Georgetown East


There are 10,200 community based preschools in Malawi, serving 39% of all 3-5 year olds in the country. The preschools are managed by parents and communities who are also responsible for providing and preparing food for children attending the preschool. Lack of food was identified as the most important problems faced by community preschools in Malawi. Between November 2013 and January 2014, Save the Children and partners conducted a five day nutrition training targeting the preschool management committee members, parents and caregivers (“teachers”) in 209 preschools across 4 districts. Data on frequency and quality of meals and one week self- reported meal diaries were collected to assess the frequency and quality of meals compared with recommended daily intakes for key nutrients. A qualitative survey was also conducted to identify the main factors associated with preschools providing quality meals and the extent to which the improved meals are replicated at household level. This presentation will discuss the extent to which communities are able to provide food (and healthy food) to children in community based preschools throughout the year and contributing factors. It will also look at the opportunity preschools provide to improve nutrition practices at the household level
