Session Submission Summary

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Publishing comparative and international education: Advice from international editors

Tue, March 10, 1:15 to 2:45pm, Washington Hilton, Floor: Concourse Level, Lincoln East

Session Submission Type: Group Panel

Description of Session

This panel aims to introduce new scholars and aspiring authors to editors of leading international journals in comparative and international education and related fields. The editors will briefly introduce their journals and then offer advice to authors on developing a strong, persuasive manuscript and revising it when asked to resubmit. The discussion will highlight common advice and points of difference among the journals.

The panel will consist of the editors and representatives of the American Journal of Evaluation, Asia Pacific Education Review, Comparative Education, Comparative Education Review, Compare, the International Journal of Education and Development, and International Review of Education.

The event will be structured as a panel discussion. Introductory remarks about each journal will be brief; the focus will be moderated discussion among the editors. We aim to allow at least half an hour for open questions and discussion.

The panel is important both for the opportunity it provides to envision the broad field of comparative and international education and for its practical role in demystifying the publishing process for aspiring authors.

Sub Unit


Individual Presentations