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The facilitator will describe the preliminary findings from a contextual analysis that was completed at four institutes of teacher education in the Nigerian states of Bauchi and Sokoto by the NEI+ program and the National Council of Colleges for education (NCCE). The objective of the analysis was to identify institutional strengths and weaknesses, as well as to prepare the lecturers and administrators for curricular reform, materials development, and new course piloting. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews, lecturer surveys, classroom observations, and lecturer and student focus groups. Focus group and interview data were transcribed and coded by multiple individuals and common themes were determined by consensus. Quantitative data were analyzed to provide descriptive summative statistics using SPSS software. The findings reveal that the institutions of teacher education in the two Nigerian states of Bauchi and Sokoto are challenged in implementing the latest NCCE programs. The institutions have lecturers who are willing to participate in curricular reform, yet find change difficult. Lecturers view their students as capable, although they see gaps in the admission process. Students may have difficulties maintaining positive and healthy relationships with lecturers and therefore may not be able to reach their full potential in the education program they have chosen. Participants in the discussion will collaborate to propose how early grade reading materials and scripted lessons developed by such Nigerian programs as RARA, NEI+, and ESRA could serve as a starting point for improving pre-service training at the four teacher education institutes, with a focus on the political, pedagogical, institutional, financial, and temporal dynamics that would have to be taken into account to make that a reality.