Session Submission Summary

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Presidential Highlighted Session: The Basics of US Civics, Government, and Social Movements for International Meeting Participants

Tue, March 7, 8:00 to 9:30am, Sheraton Atlanta, Floor: 1, Capitol South (North Tower)

Session Submission Type: Special Session

Description of Session

Confused about the relation between Executive Orders, the US Constitution, US Immigration Law and the Courts? Don’t worry, it is confusing. Curious about the possible impact of protest and social mobilization in recent U.S. history? There is good reason to be curious and to understand the potential today for actions by Civil Society Organizations like the CIES and by popular dissent. This is a session for you to come and ask questions. Before it is possible to understand the drama of opposition to Presidential power, it is essential to be clear about the division of powers in the three branches of government and the role of the US Constitution. Before you can appreciate the current protests against presidential power, it is helpful to remember the impact of past movements in women’s rights, gay rights, civil rights, and anti-war peace mobilizations. Four civics educators will help guide you through this lesson, after which there will be time for participants to ask any questions –even and especially basic questions about topics that would be unfamiliar to people from outside the US.

Sub Unit


Invited Speakers