Session Submission Summary

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Methodology training: USAID Education in Crisis and Conflict Network’s (ECCN’s) Rapid Education and Risk Analysis toolkit (RERA) and Safer Learning Environments assessment toolkit (SLE toolkit)

Sun, April 14, 10:00am to 1:00pm, Hyatt Regency, Floor: Pacific Concourse (Level -1), Pacific I

Group Submission Type: Pre-conference Workshop


Through its Education Strategy, USAID committed to work with partners to increase equitable access to education for learners living in countries affected by conflict and crisis. These contexts are characterized not only by high levels of contextual risk, but multiple types of risk. Achieving results in these challenging environments calls for innovative approaches to the design, management, and evaluation of education programs. A first step in this direction is more flexible, systematic analysis of the context within which education takes place.
ECCN has produced two situation analysis and assessment tools that can be of critical importance to better understanding crisis and conflict-affected contexts, and better adapting education policies and programming. These are the Rapid Education and Risk Analysis (RERA) Toolkit and the Safer Learning Environments (SLE) Assessment Toolkit . The toolkits have distinct, complementary uses, but both utilize the same primary data collection methodology. These toolkits, in particular, pay special attention to the situation of the school community as a system of assets and capabilities that make it a platform for social transformation.
ECCN offers this workshop at CIES as an opportunity to gather together interested researchers and practitioners (who may not otherwise be exposed to these training opportunities and in particular may not often have the opportunity to connect with colleagues from such diverse backgrounds as one can encounter at CIES), in addition to guest participants who have used these toolkits in various contexts, to build their capacity as trainers themselves who may share the toolkits and encourage their organizations to implement one or both of them in their own projects.

Learning objectives:
a) Articulate the concept and key elements of SLE and RERA conceptual framework
b) Understand and identify the key elements of the SLE Toolkit and RERA Toolkit processes
c) Determine whether an SLE toolkit and/or a RERA should be used, what questions they are best placed to answer, and at what point in the emergency or program cycle they are most appropriate
d) Identify key lessons and promising practices employed by organizations who implemented the SLE toolkit a RERA, some of whom will be in attendance
e) Strengthen desk and field research, analysis and reporting skills
f) Practice linking findings to decisions that are commonly made in the field

Delivery plan:
Phase 1: Introduction to toolkits; what to use and when
Phase 2: Break into groups to practice each of the steps of the tool / mock research
Phase 3: Regroup to reflect

(5) Equipment needed: Projector for computer screen; flip charts and markers; internet access, round tables for group work. Participants are requested to bring laptops.

Sub Unit

Workshop Organizers