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65th Annual Conference of the Comparative and International Education Society

CIES 2021 Seattle
Social Responsibility Within Changing Contexts

Seattle, Washington, April 25 - 29, 2021

As we enter the third decade of the 21st century, we see rapid changes in political, economic, environmental, cultural, and social spaces, including new non-state actors who are now more involved. These changes influence education globally and locally.

This calls for revisiting the relationships among context, actors, visions, and action, and our own collective social responsibility.

Contextual changes include the global sharing of cultural values, a refinement of neoliberal economic and political agendas, and the acceleration of environmental challenges. In addition, we recognize a narrowing of the purpose of education toward economic outcomes, particularly as they are framed discursively in policy and practice, and the prioritization of technological innovations over other forms of learning. Alongside and within these changing contextual processes, values, and conditions are new actors in the education and development arena, including corporations, corporate philanthropies, celebrities, and billionaires, and perhaps the emergence of new social movements. What are their agendas and processes? How might we revisit the various visions and agendas of all development and education actors, along with their theories of action? How do they do the work they do? How are lives consequently affected? How does social responsibility – of corporate entities, governments, development organizations, communities, and researchers – interact with these changing contexts, the growing range of actors, and evolving visions and approaches to education globally and locally?


Note on Submission Limit
In order to promote wide participation, only one submission per presenter is allowed for either an individual presentation (Formal Paper, Roundtable Paper, or Poster) or for group presentation (Formal Panel or Roundtable Session)After you have been submitted
 as a presenter, the online submission system will automatically disable the option to submit additional papers, panels, roundtables, or posters (as a presenter). However, submissions in other formats do not count towards the submission limit. Participants may also be listed more than once in the conference program as a co-author (non-presenter), organizer, chair, or discussant. They will also be able to participate in a Pre-conference workshop, Book launch, Art Exhibit and/or NSC Workshops. If you have questions about submission via the online system, please contact


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