Individual Submission Summary

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Kigali toward achieving SDG4. Progress and Challenges in Education Planning

Thu, April 29, 10:00 to 11:30am PDT (10:00 to 11:30am PDT), Zoom Room, 134


Kigali is undergoing a remarkable urban modernization process observed from infrastructure development, economic opportunities and service delivery. At the same time, it is facing the challenge of rapid and uncontrolled urbanization. The city planners and managers struggle to respond to the raising needs of the urban growth. In education sector, despite the notable improvement, the realization do not meet the desired targets to respond to the equitable education for all. This study analyses the urban and education planning framework, projections and the achievements in the last ten years period. This is depicted from five education indicators including the levels of education attainment, the literacy rates, and computer literacy, learning facilities and gender equality and inclusion. It also highlight the existing problem related to student teacher ratio and the disparity in terms of quality education between public and private schools. The study draws on secondary data, mainly from the national census of 2012 and the Integrated Household Living Conditions Survey, commonly known as EICVs, conducted in 2010/2011, 2013/2014 and 2016/2017 by the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR).
