Individual Submission Summary

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Adolescent pregnancy and parenting in Sub-Saharan Africa

Wed, April 20, 9:30 to 11:00am CDT (9:30 to 11:00am CDT), Hyatt Regency - Minneapolis, Floor: 2, Greenway D


With Sub-Saharan Africa having some of the highest rates of adolescent pregnancies in the world, researchers will share the perspectives of adolescent mothers as well as research on policies, programs, and services sensitive to the needs and experiences of adolescent mothers. From Malawi, researchers will share findings from a national study on the lived experiences of pregnant and parenting adolescents. Researchers will highlight efforts to engage and inform lawmakers on the need for adolescent and culturally sensitive services to ensure evidence-informed early childhood development outcomes for children. In Zambia, a neighboring country to Malawi, researchers share how the country continues to face a heavy burden of preterm and stillbirths and adverse pregnancy outcomes. Researchers will share the perceptions of pregnant adolescents and barriers to accessing prenatal care and early interventions. These findings contribute to developing the evidence base and designing interventions and services aimed at reducing preterm and stillbirths.
