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Customizing standards-based teaching and learning materials for EFL in Grades 1-11 in the Republic of Uzbekistan

Wed, February 22, 9:45 to 11:15am EST (9:45 to 11:15am EST), Grand Hyatt Washington, Floor: Constitution Level (3B), Constitution E


In partnership with the Ministry of Public Education USAID is supporting the Uzbekistan Education for Excellence Program to develop teaching and learning materials to improve English as a foreign language (EFL) in Grades 1-11 in all regions of the country. This presentation focuses on the development of standards-based curriculum and customization of an international series of textbooks for EFL in grades 1-11. At the onset of the Program in 2019, the Ministry expressed its vision of an English-speaking nation by 2030. As a means of reaching that goal, it became a priority to procure and customize a set of internationally recognized series of English instructional materials. The program has selected, reviewed, and customized a series of student’s books, teacher’s guides, and workbooks for EFL in grades 1-11. Textbooks created for one market are not always suitable to a new market without going through a process of customization that brings the books into alignment with the pedagogical, content, and cultural expectations of the new market. After the textbook series were procured, they were adapted and developed to meet the unique needs and aspirations of teachers and students in Uzbekistan. During this customization process, four tasks were accomplished: a timetable was established aligning lessons to Uzbekistan instructional hours, addenda were written and included in teacher’s books for each grade level, essential changes were made to the books to make them appropriate to the local context, and instructional videos were developed and placed online to support teachers to utilize the new books. They give specific information and advice for using the textbooks and understanding some of the methodology as well as how to use the resources of the textbook package effectively. The addenda include a letter to the teacher, timetable, information about unit lessons, reviews, assessments, cultural considerations, homework, supplementary materials, a glossary of technical terms, and an example exam created with the digital test generator, a valuable component of the publisher’s package. Customization happened at several levels through the creation of the addenda in the teacher’s guide to address teaching procedures, pedagogical approaches, and cultural norms and expectations in Uzbekistan. Photographs and texts were also analyzed for conformity to ministry’s specifications. The development and adoption of standards-based materials will significantly support the goal of improving English teaching and learning in Uzbekistan. The Ministry of Public Education has secured a license to reprint and distribute the series of textbooks to all schools for the next five years starting in September 2022.
