Individual Submission Summary

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Mitigating workplace incivility: The role of employee ingratiation, the moderating role of perceived organizational support, and mediating effects of OCBI

Mon, November 20, 10:00 to 11:30am, Atlanta Marriott Marquis, Floor: Marquis Level, M102


Drawing on the social exchange theory, conservation of resources (COR) Theory, and social identity theory, this research study aims to investigate the potential of mitigating workplace incivility through the effects of employee ingratiation moderated by perceived organizational support and mediated by organizational citizenship behavior towards individuals (OCBI). Workplace incivility is a prevalent issue that adversely affects employee well-being and organizational functioning. By exploring the role of employee ingratiation, perceived organizational support, and OCBI, this study provides insights into strategies organizations can employ to foster a more respectful work environment
