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The Emerald Awards Call for Nominations
Presented by Isler CPA
The Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce is seeking nominations for the 2007 Emerald Awards. The Emerald Awards is a program honoring businesses in the Eugene/Springfield area that contribute to our community's vitality and quality of life by implementing sustainable business practices. Those practices include significant financial, social and environmental contributions to the community. The awards recognize winners and finalists in categories that represent the core principles of sustainability: growth, community caring, environmental values, innovation. A Business of the Year award will exemplify each of the preceding categories.
The Emerald Awards provide businesses with recognition for their accomplishments and positive exposure among customers, employees, other stakeholders, peers and community members/leaders.
For answers to your nomination questions call the Eugene Area Chamber of Commerce at 242-2366.

Award Categories

The Emerald Award for Growth honors businesses that have demonstrated growth through job creation (quantity and/or quality) and revenue increases in 2005 and 2006. Both of these factors will be considered. This award is sponsored by Bank of America
Community Caring
The Emerald Award for Community Caring recognizes leadership by businesses that give generously for the enrichment of the community. In addition to compelling stories of their generosity, measurements in the form of time, money, goods and/or services (in relation to company size) are requested. This award is sponsored by SmithBarney

Environmental Values
The Emerald Award for Environmental Values honors businesses that are leaders in preserving the environment and/or that have taken particular measures to be exceptional stewards of our natural resources. Businesses must demonstrate how accomplishments exceed regulatory requirements. This award is sponsored by Weyerhaeuser.

The Emerald Award for Innovation honors existing businesses that have enhanced or re-invented their products, services, or practices through the successful implementation of innovative ideas. It also applies to emerging businesses with a niche or idea that has demonstrated rapid early growth. This award is sponsored by Endeavor Law Group.
Business of the Year
The Emerald Award for the Business of the Year honors and acknowledges that today's best run companies are sustainable by achieving economic, social and environmental success. It also acknowledges that businesses are innovators in order to survive in a competitive environment. Candidates for the Business of the Year will share their strengths in all four of the preceding award categories.
This award is sponsored by Detlefsen Nel & Associates LLC.

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