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Do Mobile Instant Messenger Use and Social Capital Contribute to Employee Outcomes?

Sun, May 24, 10:30 to 11:45, Caribe Hilton, Conference Room 6


Smartphone prevalence necessitated an examination of how mobile instant messenger (MIM) use may create social capital and contribute to employee outcomes. A field survey of real estate agents in Hong Kong (N = 245) showed that respondents, heavy consumers of MIMs, used a variety of social media messengers and features to communicate with their work contacts such as coworkers, superiors, clients, and external agents. Their MIM use was positively associated with social capital and predicted job performance, job satisfaction, and work relationship satisfaction. Social capital exerted its own positive contribution to job satisfaction and relationship satisfaction, but not to job performance. Further theorizing can focus on the conditions under which social capital is convertible to tangible outcomes as opposed to psychological outcomes.
