Individual Submission Summary

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Imagistic Language in Contemporary Journalism: Trends in Media Ecology

Sat, May 27, 12:30 to 13:45, Hilton San Diego Bayfront, Floor: 3, Aqua 305


The changes in contemporary journalism are, in particular, related to language. Among our different languages, the most expressive trend is in imagistic discourse, where contemporary journalists and designers create a mix of video, photo (or live photo), infographics and, of course, some complementary text to support of narrative. This paper presents the preliminary results of academic research developed with financing from FAPESP - São Paulo Research Foundation to understand and develop a plan of production for a new imagistic language dedicated to long form journalism. The adopted method was bibliographic research, participant observation and quasi-experimental research in an applied study developed at Mobilab laboratory (State University Paulista - UNESP, Brazil). We hope, with solid results, to offer a real solution for a new journalism in contemporary society.
