Individual Submission Summary

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Television Media Old and New: A Niche Analysis of OTT, IPTV, and Digital Cable

Mon, May 29, 8:00 to 9:15, Hilton San Diego Bayfront, Floor: 2, Indigo 202B


Adopting Dimmick’s niche theory as its theoretical framework, this study used gratifications obtained and gratification opportunities to examine the competitive relationships among three television media—OTT, IPTV (MOD), and digital cable. Two research methods were employed, the first of which was to conduct 20 intensive interviews. The second method was to adopt a nationwide telephone survey that resulted in 1,015 valid questionnaires. The data analysis yielded three conclusions. (1) Among the three media, OTT was the most competitive, while digital cable and MOD were almost equivalent in terms of their competitiveness. (2) The highest competition occurred between MOD and digital cable because the respondents perceived the two media to resemble one another more than OTT. (3) This study found OTT to be a generalist, while MOD and digital cable were specialists.
