Individual Submission Summary

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Communication Sources and Knowledge: Use of Health-Enhancing Resources Among Different Residents in a Gentrifying Neighborhood

Sun, May 28, 12:30 to 13:45, Hilton San Diego Bayfront, Floor: 4 (Sapphire), Exhibit Hall - Rear


Understanding of the ways neighborhood social environments impact health is limited, with gentrifying neighborhoods offering unique opportunities to study the communication environments of two groups: newer and longer-term residents. This project seeks to analyze how residential tenure and residents’ use of media and/or interpersonal communication impact their knowledge and use of health-enhancing resources (i.e., grocery stores, farmer’s markets and community gardens, and places to exercise) during a time of rapid neighborhood change. It uses data from surveys and focus groups in a gentrifying neighborhood in Los Angeles. Preliminary analyses of data suggest that communication network composition seems to play a greater, significant role in knowledge and use of health-enhancing resources among residents who are newer to a neighborhood, with media and interpersonal communication facilitating knowledge or use of different resources. Implications and further data analyses are detailed.
