Session Submission Summary

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Children, Adolescents, & the Media Division - Research Escalator Sessions (Panel 2)

Sun, May 28, 14:00 to 15:15, Hilton San Diego Bayfront, Floor: 3, Aqua Salon E

Session Submission Type: Paper Session


This is a Research Escalator session. Research Escalator Sessions provide scholars an opportunity for less developed research to be presented and discussed (with the goal of making the paper ready for submission to a conference or journal) with experts in the field. During this session, submitters will present their project to the entire audience (no slides) in a short 2-minute presentation. Then, submitters will meet with their mentors in one-on-one mentorship meetings to discuss their feedback on the manuscript. At the end of the session, all regroup and submitters will give a short “recap” of new directions/goals as well as highlight the main points they took away from their mentorship sessions.

Please note: these sessions are open to all members. Audience members are welcomed and encouraged to attend the mentorship meetings as well.

Sub Unit


Individual Presentations
