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Children and Childhoods Research Symposium

Call for Papers
Submissions are invited for the inaugural Children and Childhoods Symposium to be held at the Institute of Early Childhood, Macquarie University, September 24-25, 2010.

The Symposium provides opportunity for researchers and practitioners to share current research, examples of early years innovative practice and new directions in thinking about children and childhoods.

The organising committee welcomes submissions for paper and poster presentations. Submissions from postgraduate students are encouraged. Presentations will be selected through a peer review process and grouped according to topic or interest area. All paper presentations will be fully refereed and included in the Symposium Proceedings.


Presenters are invited to share results of research related to Children and Childhoods. Each spoken paper will be of 20 minutes duration, followed by 10 minutes of questions and discussion.

Abstracts of up to 300 words should be submitted via this website by 15 June 2010. Abstracts should include a summary of the area under investigation, the methods or approaches used and the outcomes or findings.

Authors will be notified of the outcome of their submission by 15 July 2010. Full written papers of 3000-4000 words will be required by 31 August 2010. Full papers will be peer reviewed for inclusion in the Symposium Proceedings.

A prize will be offered for the best postgraduate paper.

Presenters are invited to share results of research, research in progress, practitioner inquiry, or other projects related to Children and Childhoods. Presentation through photographs, charts or other graphics are welcome. Posters will be available for viewing on September 25 and should be understandable to a wide audience without the need for the author's presence.

Abstracts of up to 300 words should be submitted via this website by 15 June 2010. Abstracts should include a summary of the project, the methods or approaches used, findings and implications (in the case of empirical studies).

Authors will be notified of the outcome of their submission by 15 July 2010. Successful authors should prepare a poster presentation of up to A0 size (118.9cm x 84.1 cm) for display at the Symposium. Any text should be prepared using at least 18 point font. Display boards and materials to attach the poster will be supplied.

A prize will be offered for the best poster overall.
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