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2006 IEEE International Geoscience And Remote Sensing Symposium & 27th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing

Colorado Convention Center, Denver, Colorado, July 31-August 4, 2006
On-line abstract submission will begin December 1, 2005

Participation in the IGARSS symposia is open to all individuals interested or working in the fields of geoscience and remote sensing. Abstracts received by the abstract deadline will be considered for program placement under the standard peer review process. Late abstracts will only be considered as space permits, due to the large number of submissions.

A Technical Program Committee will organize all accepted abstracts into either oral or interactive poster sessions based upon their potential contribution to the conference and the composition of complete, quality sessions. There are approximately 900 oral and 1,350 interactive slots in the program.

Abstract Submission Guidlelines:
Problems and technical questions should be directed to

  • Abstract submission will be accepted beginning December 1, 2005.

  • All abstracts MUST be submitted using this on-line system. No exceptions will be made.

  • Invited abstract deadline January 6, 2006.

  • General abstract deadline January 13, 2006.

  • All abstracts should be written in English.

  • Abstracts should clearly and concisely state the problem, methodology used and central conclusions.

  • A maximum of three (3) abstracts, inclusive to invited and general submissions, may be submitted by each individual paying a full registration fee.

  • Student registrations will be limited to one oral or poster presentation.

  • NOTICE: NEW PAGE LENGTH GUIDELINE...It is suggested, but not required, that all submissions be a minimum of 700 words and a maximum of 2 one-sided pages.

  • Important: Place title, corresponding author name, affiliation, address, phone number and current email address at the top of each abstract.

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