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AUGUST 4 - 7, 2016 / LONDON, UK
International Symposium on the Analytic Hierarchy Process

XIV International Congress


  • Proposals for Special Sessions, Workshops and Round Tables: January 31, 2016 (approval in 1 week)

  • Paper Submission: February 29, 2016


Divide, compara, aggrega et impera

 Divide, compare, pool and rule

Taking decisions has never been easy, especially in complex and dynamic circumstances, in which our choices may affect people’s health, work, social and physical assets, and future life in general.

In all of history, important decision makers have based their own choices on personal experience, intuition and knowledge. Nowadays, especially when we take decisions of public relevance and interest, we are called to demonstrate that our choices are based on the best available evidence, that we acknowledge uncertainty, and that we considered the costs and risks. Today turbulent socio-economic environments make these efforts even more compelling.

The ambition of ISAHP 2016 is to explore how the AHP/ANP can be used to respond to those challenges, its strengths and weaknesses and how it can be used in combination with other Multi-Criteria Decision Making methods. In other words, the ISHAP2016 aims to demonstrate how the AHP/ANP and the community of AHP/ANP users can have a real impact on our continuously evolving global society. In conclusion, the theme of the ISHAP2016 is how this method can support decisions affecting the public interest and how its use can be improved in order to better serve society.


Thomas L. Saaty
University of Pittsburgh
Honorary Founding Chairman


Leandro Pecchia
University of Warwick
Conference Chairman


Antonella Petrillo
University of Naples "Parthenope"
Program Co-Chair


Andrea Genovese
University of Sheffield
Program Co-Chair


Marjan Hummel
University of Twente
Program Co-Chair

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