Session Submission Summary

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Looking Toward the Horizon in Civil Society-State Relations: Celebrating the Life and Work of Nissan Limor (1944-2017)

Wed, July 11, 11:00am to 12:30pm, Room, 7A 32

Session Submission Type: Roundtable Discussion


At this Roundtable we will gather to discuss the issues that inspired the work of Nissan Limor, a distinguished Israeli scholar and policy advocate for the nonprofit sector and civil society. Nissan’s work was concerned with restrictions on the nonprofit sector, in Israel and abroad; regulatory and tax policy toward the sector; politicization of nonprofit regulation; the problems of restricting foreign funding to domestic civil society; and related themes.

In one of his last publications, a chapter for Regulatory Waves: Comparative Perspectives on State Regulation and Self-Regulation in the Nonprofit Sector, Nissan and his co-author Noy Brindt asked us to “look toward the horizon” in civil society-state relations, rigorously asking what kinds and mixtures of regulation and self-regulation provide the appropriate balance between freedom and management for civil society.

Friends and colleagues of Nissan’s will gather for this Roundtable to discuss the key themes that animated his work and life and to honor his accomplishments. Mark Sidel will organize and chair the Roundtable. Speakers will include Oonagh Breen (University College Dublin); Noy Brindt (Haifa University); Galia Feit (Tel Aviv University); Ben Gidron (College of Management Academic Studies and Ben Gurion University); Debra Morris (Liverpool Law School); Mark Sidel (University of Wisconsin-Madison and ICNL); Yaron Sokolov (College for Academic Studies); and others.

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Session Organizer