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Cuban Medical Internationalism: The Case of Brazil

Sat, May 30, 10:00 to 11:45am, TBA


Cuba’s role in medical internationalism is significantly important, both for financial reasons and for enhancing its image in the developing world. The export of medical services generates some $8 billion, and at present there are a[proximately 55,000 medical personnel working in 60 countries. The most recent country to employ Cuban physicians is Brazil, where 11,400 Cuban physicians have arrived in the last year. This paper examines the significance of this initiative. It analyses the evolution of the Cuban presence in Brazil, following the request for medical support from President Dilma Rousseff. In particular it examines both the reaction to the Cuban role in underserved medical regions (by politicians, physicians and patients) and the impact that the Cuban medical presence has had. The paper concludes with some reflections on the role of Cuban medical internationalism, and the significance of its role in Brazil.
